Envy for the sphere


“We want the writer to stop living.”

A book as short as it is intense. A journey without a well-defined destination, which forces you to play with your imagination and enter the author’s imaginative world with two feet. The reader is led to walk along a tightrope placed between the skyscrapers of rationality of his own conscience, without any safety net, where at risk it is not his life, but his vision of the world.

Well written, but as mentioned, more than the style adopted we want to dwell on the story, indeed on the stories, told; it is a series of short novels, apparently disconnected from each other, but linked in the events and in the small details, which makes it possible to read the stories both individually and within a single narrative flow. A successful experiment.

We particularly appreciated the third chapter / story, “The custody”, for the right degree of dangling reflections that it manages to convey in very few pages.

Bold, enterprising, suggestive text. Reading it at least twice is necessary in order to understand it better; we are pondering whether to reread it a third time in a few months, to give time to all the impressions collected today to be able to settle the impressions they had. Congratulations!

While reading, we came to think about how the book written in Sicilian would have been, if it could have increased the suggestion it gives off even more strongly, give way to a real literary current: an idea that we launch both at the author who to the publishing house, a gauntlet that we hope can be picked up, because in our opinion the potential is enormous.

We recommend it to a mature audience, with a critical capacity and a broad knowledge of the world. A reader who is too young or with a few books read on his shoulders would risk not fully appreciating some aspects, and not understanding some passages that contain the meaning of life, or worse still abandoning reading after the first chapter.


Antonio Famà, Envy for the sphere, Nous, Catania, 2021

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