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The Summer That Melted Everything

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “I want to fly in the sudden light. I want to know what it’s like to have a reason to dance. I want all the love”.   Each chapter forces you to go back a little: to those few lines mentioned at the beginning, excerpts from Milton’s Paradise Lost. He goes back to read them again and place them on the following pages, like a sheet of meaning that helps us understand. It is...


The summer that melted everything

Written by Alessia Agostinelli This review is available only in the original language. _________________________________________________________   Ci sono storie che attecchiscono alle pareti del nostro cuore assumendone la forma e la consistenza, riconoscendosi in quell’organismo che le ospita al punto da diventarne parte. Ci sono libri che distruggono per poi ricreare, accompagnando il lettore in un viaggio nella sua anima, nelle sue passioni, nei suoi dolori e traumi più reconditi. Libri che mostrano il baratro, ti...