HomeTag Rizzoli


A hidden feather

“You will not see, gradually less and less, until you no longer see.” The Maneras, a wealthy couple from the Florentine area, who have everything in their life. Physical well-being, economic well-being, the possibility of being able to do anything in their life, until they decide to adopt a child to fill the only unbridgeable void, which over time risks becoming a black hole in their lives. A lack that is actually felt more by...


The years go by

“Love is protected by illusion; but what if this fails?” The book has the merit of having one of the best incipits ever. Very few lines capable of enclosing the essence of the protagonist, the sense of love relationships between men and women from the dawn of time to the present, the craft of the author’s life. Released from prison after serving a twelve-year prison sentence for murder, Arturo known as Bube is faced with...


The Secret History

“True beauty is always a little creepy.” Classic among the classics of training books, first printed in the early nineties, destined to remain over time, thanks to the topics covered: love, sexuality, friendship, responsibility, social recognition. In other words, what other writers, in other times, would have defined the shadow line. The story is set in a small college in Vermont, where six students of different backgrounds (even if some of them do everything to...


The giant and the madonnina

“If you want to please the critics, you don’t have to play too loud, too soft, too fast, too slow.” Do you want a book that talks about Milan without being a guide? Do you want a book to take you by the hand to the topographical and folkloristic discovery of the city, suspended between past and present? Well this book is for you. With the background of a Noir story, Crovi’s pen takes us...



“Traveling is a mental set-up and the art of traveling is something you learn directly on the road.” A light and pleasant book, a reading that slips away like a beautiful sunset on the horizon where earth and sky meet. In perfect harmony with the subject matter and, we believe, with the author’s aim. The writing has no courtly ambitions, and does nothing to hide it, rather it is functional to the manual vocation of...


The Scarlet Letter

Written by Micol Rizzo This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ “La lettera scarlatta” di Nathaniel Hawthorne, si può forse considerare uno dei romanzi più influenti nella letteratura americana, capace di trattare temi quali il puritanesimo e la rigidità di una società come quella del XVII secolo a Boston. Hester, la protagonista, si macchia di quello che all’epoca veniva considerato un crimine assoluto ed imperdonabile: l’adulterio. Come penitenza, si vede condannata a...


Virginia Wolf

Written by di Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: emozioni, rapporto tra sorelle Tecnica delle illustrazioni: inchiostro, matita e pastelli, più ritocchi digitali Età consigliata: 6-10 anni   Vanessa si accorge subito che sua sorella Virginia si sta trasformando in un lupo, perché si comporta in modo davvero strano: fa versi selvaggi, ringhia e caccia via tutti. L’unica cosa che Virginia desidera davvero è starsene nascosta sotto...


The other truth

“This woman bring back luck to me.” First work in prose by the poetess of the Navigli. A pleasant discovery, characterized by a revelation text on the human condition, in its normality and in what was defined as “non-normality”. Written in the form of a diary, with a final part containing epistles, the book traces the ten years lived by the author in the Pini psychiatric hospital in Milan. An experience that, as it is...



Written by Gessica De Blasio This review is available only in the original language. _____________________________________________________ Il racconto autobiografico di Dacia Maraini si apre con l’arrivo a Bagheria, dopo aver vissuto due anni in un campo di concentramento in Giappone. Una Dacia bambina, ci parla delle sensazioni e le paure che vive ogni giorno a contatto con la morte, impara a saperla osservare e conviverci. Dopo il lungo viaggio per attraversare l’oceano e giungere in Italia,...



“Perhaps the loneliness he enjoyed was wearing him out more than he himself wanted to admit.” The book was a surprise. We approached reading, and we are not afraid to say it, full of prejudices, thinking of yet another children’s book full of clichés, to be digested reluctantly, instead it turned out to be an explosion of opportunities and reflections. When it is said that prejudices must be overcome to open the mind… The simple...