HomeTag Random House


Reading Lolita in Tehran

“There is nothing more reprehensible than remaining blind to the problems and pains of others.” Memoirs belonging to the category of texts that must be read compulsorily. Up to the age of twenty it should be read in order to grow intellectually, after to be able to appreciate the hidden nuances and inconsistencies of the human being. A title that came into our hands almost by accident, during one of our reading groups, which turned...


Girl interrupted

“When you are sad you need to feel your pain made into music.” Book of memoirs, in which the writer recounts her experience as a patient in a US psychiatric clinic in the late 1960s. A leap into the void crossed after a perhaps incorrect diagnosis of personality disorder, following an alleged attempt to commit suicide. The stay at the McLean private hospital will last for eighteen months, during which the writer lives in a...


What to say next

Written by Giada Marino This review is available only in the original language. ______________________________________________________   Chi ha detto che l’amore è semplice? Nessuno?!? Ahh, bene… Perché infatti molto spesso l’amore è tutt’altro che semplice, e il libro che vi presenterò oggi – La teoria imperfetta dell’amore di Julie Buxbaum – vi darà un esempio di come questo sentimento possa essere complicato. I protagonisti di questa storia sono un ragazzo e una ragazza che all’apparenza sembrano...


Uncommon type

“The two whispered with the familiarity of experienced soldiers, which they were, not like twenty-two-year-olds, which they were.” Seventeen short stories, many characters different from each other, which describe the normal extraordinary nature of their lives. The American dream, seen from within, described in the routine of everyday life and in the pleasure of small conquests. A continuous series of perfect family paintings (even when they don’t want to be), in which the heart of...