HomeTag Paolo Rumiz


It’s east

“We have already been halfway around the world: so why do we feel like we have never traveled before?” Paolo Rumiz confirms himself to be, also in this book, the pen of the wandering traveler that we would all like to be. A fluid prose that at times borders on poetry, due to the pool of words in which it invites the reader to immerse themselves. The text is a reportage of six stories that report...


The cyclops

“The lighthouse keepers are tough men, nailed to a rock. Absolute monarchs of their territory, and at the same time, recluse in confinement.” A fascinating book, able to tell the experience of a motionless journey, in which what counts most is not the distance traveled, the monuments visited or the languages listened to, but the possibility of seeing life with other eyes, far from the chaos and from the modernity to which we are accustomed....


Trans Europa Express

Written by Donatella Lanza. This review is available only in the original language. ________________________________________________ Un viaggio deciso al compimento dei 60 anni, quando il 20 dicembre 2007 la Slovenia entra nell’area Schengen. Durante la notte di festeggiamenti per l’abbattimento della sbarra che “aveva tagliato Trieste fuori dal suo naturale retroterra”, Paolo Rumiz realizza che proprio l’esistenza di quel confine aveva originato la sua irrefrenabile spinta alla ricerca di un “Altrove” oltre la frontiera. Decide così...