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Carcano Theater

Corso di Porta Romana, for many centuries the center of city elegance, was the place of choice for the construction, in 1803, of a new large theater. The area was that of the former convent of San Lazzaro, purchased by Giuseppe Carcano, who had already opened a private theater in his palace in 1797, a space that soon became insufficient to accommodate the large audience that attended it. To build it, the architect Luigi Canonica...



The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Adoro le parole scritte che si stemperano nel bel mezzo degli ingredienti nella descrizione dei cibi che prendon vita. Vocali e consonanti insieme alla farina, allo zucchero e al sale. Al fianco dell’olio. Perfino con la maionese. Lo trovo un connubio talmente magico da diventare uno sposalizio bello e buono. E questo accade sia per il fascino che la mescolanza...


The Secret History

“True beauty is always a little creepy.” Classic among the classics of training books, first printed in the early nineties, destined to remain over time, thanks to the topics covered: love, sexuality, friendship, responsibility, social recognition. In other words, what other writers, in other times, would have defined the shadow line. The story is set in a small college in Vermont, where six students of different backgrounds (even if some of them do everything to...


The adventure of a poor Christian

“The new rich rarely feel full.” Original theatrical text, out of the usual literary production of Ignazio Silone, but without giving way to a lower quality of the work. Winner of the Campiello Prize in 1968, the book collects the best of the author’s intimate poetic house, digging with his bare hands into one of the themes most dear to him: the relationship between man and the Church. To do this he makes use of...


The year of magical thinking

“Pain, when it comes, is not at all what we expect it to be.” Self-criticism: it may be that we did not understand the book, it may be that we were not able to immerse ourselves completely in the spirit that the writer wanted to convey to us, but we were disappointed by the text. We decided to open this writing in this way out of respect for the story told and for the writer’s...


Ithaca forever

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “The gods grant a few people the privilege of covering the space between one day and another with hope.”   Esiste, tra le pagine di quell’opera immortale che è l’Odissea, la descrizione di un istante perfetto: è il momento in cui Ulisse e Penelope si ritrovano nel loro tempo di amanti, si riconoscono in una domanda e in una risposta, le loro storie parallele riunite in un quell’incastro di attimi. È il momento di...


Something in the fog

“I will always remember the admiration in his eyes, the thought of having grown something better than an ornament.” Beautiful book, which remains within the many good and bad intentions, in a non-linear story, and in the impossibility (at least for us) whether to define it as a novel or a set of short stories. A pleasant reading that we did not expect and that made us reach the final point of the text with...


Forbidden games

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ È spietato. È feroce. È di una disarmante tenerezza, senza essere favola, senza essere fiaba. È tanto originale. Soprattutto è di una modernità che pare fantascienza. Perché GIOCHI PROIBITI venne scritto nel 1947, la seconda grande guerra era terminata da poco, la gente si leccava ancora le ferite, aveva gran voglia di vivere, e prendeva coscienza piena dell’orrore. Oggi siamo ancora...


The bishop’s room

“Everyone lives and loves where he is, how he can and when it happens to him.” A little gem to keep among the precious objects of the Italian language. A novel without too many pretensions, if not to tell a simple story, with characters built on the quicksand of human meanness, a sincere mirror of society. Elegant in its pen and tones, even when it tells ugly stories, the book is a manifesto of the...


The history of Rock

“In rock history, Woodstock was the Big Bang.” Second edition, revised and updated of an already iconic work, in which the history of rock music is celebrated. It is not important to be passionate about this genre or not to read the book, on the contrary, it could be the key to falling in love with it and opening one’s own musical / cultural horizons. It is enough to have a keen curiosity for the...