HomeTag milano


To Paradise

“[…] and he finally knew the kind of transformation that love had given to all the people he knew, to always escape  only him.” A novel full: of what? of life, of contradiction, of feeling, of emotional inconsistencies, of elective affinity, of imagination and reality. If that weren’t enough yet, we also add full of reflections on interpersonal relationships, mistakes, remorse, on man’s inadequacy and wealth. Three divided yet linked stories, with an alternative vision...


Voci che sono la mia

Written by Marialia Calabretta This review is available only in the original language _______________________________ Amo ascoltare le storie degli altri, da sempre. Quando ero bambina, non desideravo la favola della buonanotte e non guardavo molti cartoni animati. Uno dei miei passatempi preferiti era stare con gli adulti. In compagnia di parenti e amici dei miei genitori, mia sorella cercava invano di richiamare la mia attenzione che si focalizzava puntualmente sui discorsi dei grandi. Mi incantavo ascoltando le questioni dell’uno...


The Evolution Man, Once Upon an Ice Age

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Difficile leggere un romanzo tanto acuto, sardonico, crudele e divertente al tempo stesso. Soprattutto pensando che è stato lì per un certo qual tempo, da qualche parte in una libreria grande o piccola, accolto su uno scaffale o appoggiato su un   espositore, più o meno in generosa mostra, e tutto ciò da almeno trent’anni nella nostra bella Italia. Senza che...


A home again

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: famiglia, rinascita, emozioni Tecnica delle illustrazioni: acrilico Età consigliata: 3-8 anni   Ricordo che gioivo per lo scalpiccio dei piedini sul pavimento e il profumo del pane in cucina mi mandava in estasi. Ricordo che amavo la mia famiglia e lei amava me. Ma all’improvviso, impacchettate le sue cose, la mia famiglia decise di partire per non tornare più....


Fish have no feet

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “Time treats us strangely – most often unexpected”. Have you ever read a book that is a blizzard? Let’s try talk about this blizzard done of pages and ink. “Story of a family”, the subtitle. And as the wise man said, every happy family and so on. This family has its roots in the water, if the fish have no legs it is because the immensity of the sea does not allow for the surface,...

Franco Parenti Theater

The Franco Parenti Theater, the theatrical and cultural center of reference in the city of Milan, is 50 years old on January 16, 2023! The 2022/2023 season is a very special season for Parenti that has its roots in its history, without melancholy but with a spirit of rediscovery, with a careful look at the present and new developments, cultivating an inexhaustible curiosity for the future. Founded in 1972 and directed by Andrée Ruth Shammah, the Parenti...


Master and Servant

“Nikita had no desire to go, but he had long since grown accustomed to not having a will of his own and serving others.” Let’s start with the title “Master and Servant” which in other editions and translations had been translated into Master and Servant. It is precisely through the title that one has already parachuted into a hidden world of moral and philological meanings on the substantial difference between Servant and Servant, and from...


The word dad

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Nulla. Non c’è niente da fare: il tema è il mio. Genitore. Padre. Madre. L’attesa. L’incognita. La sorpresa. Il dolore. La frustrazione. L’agitazione. L’inquietudine. Il senso di inadeguatezza. Il turbamento. La superficialità. Il subbuglio. I silenzi. Il silenzio tra due persone quando stanno bene, che ha una certa qual frequenza alta e vibrante – scrive Cavina – mentre quello di...


Behind the Door

“Misfortune had made a man out of him.” Moving like few other books, capable of touching the dormant childhood within each of us. With this long story, Bassani delves into his memories as a boy, up to take us to the beginning of the school year of 1929-30 in a classical high school, in his beloved Ferrara (the city of Bassani’s heart!). The shyness of the protagonist and a character that has not yet fully...


The cover of the sea

“Sometimes just being with someone helps you grow.” Although we really like the author’s style, with its dilated times, inside and outside the thoughts of the protagonist, able to indirectly tell the essence of Japanese culture and lifestyle, this time we have found the initial part of the story too long. A penance not deserved by the reader, like a long airport runway, which the plane is forced to travel to the last centimeter of...