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The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ È probabile che uno qualunque tra noi uomini, noi maschi, soprattutto prossimi ai cinquant’anni, e con ancor maggiore verosimiglianza dopo i sessanta, abbia sentito parlare della prostata. Della propria o dell’altrui: sì, dottore, “ho la prostata”, come il mio amico Mario. Queste le fatidiche parole. Prostata, che non è organo che si veda, quindi bisogna essere capaci di immaginarselo....


The place of war and the cost of freedom

“Russia is threatening open societies on the European border.” Essay of high quality on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Reflections on the short to medium term on what the West can continue to do to achieve a credible and, where possible, lasting peace. The text requires a good knowledge of contemporary history, politics, geopolitics and economics in order to be appreciated, and in case you have different interpretations, to counter some issues. History is one of those...


Only once

“To change things it is necessary to look at reality from above, try to move away.” The importance and courage of making a decision without fear of having to regret it, being ready to embrace the future, and whatever may happen. Calabresi puts his experience as a journalist to good use, telling us stories of people next door who, with just one single choice, were able to change their lives, of the people they had...

June of books 2023

Following the success of the first edition, the second edition of the review “June of books” returns from 8 to 21 June. A series of meetings organized by BooktoMi and Occasioni d’Incontro which will fill the free cultural offer in the south of Milan.   For the second consecutive year the meetings will be held in the square in front Mondadori Bookstore Barona.   Info and booking: eventibooktomi@gmail.com  –  occasioni.inchiostro@gmail.com    


Observatory Mansions

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Difficilmente si potrà leggere un romanzo tanto cupo, tanto gotico, ricco di tale cattiveria e tanto buonismo insieme, di illusione e disincanto, come Observatory Mansions. Difficilmente si potrà trovare tanta fantasia perversa, difficilmente ci si troverà magati da una stranezza così normale, una mordace e impietosa descrizione dell’essere umano, pregna di dolore struggente, annegata nell’ironia e condita da uno...


What do people do all day?

“…but deep down I knew it would be a waste of time. And I was tired of wasting time.” Cameron in his pure essence. If you have already read other books by the author, in this one you will find everything you like about him, like a concentrated juice, to be diluted within the flow of spoken and, above all, unspoken words. If you haven’t read a book by him yet, we recommend starting with...


The houses of serial killers

“But if something seems too good to be true, it’s usually false“ Before sharing our thoughts on the book, we think it is right to open three parentheses of reflections, which concern in order: the idea developed, the writing and the realization. The basic idea of the text, although already addressed by other authors, certainly has its own interesting aspect. Telling the homes and stories of serial killers has a sinister appeal that is hard...


Reading Lolita in Tehran

“There is nothing more reprehensible than remaining blind to the problems and pains of others.” Memoirs belonging to the category of texts that must be read compulsorily. Up to the age of twenty it should be read in order to grow intellectually, after to be able to appreciate the hidden nuances and inconsistencies of the human being. A title that came into our hands almost by accident, during one of our reading groups, which turned...


Where are you all?

“The suburbs are the city’s adolescence.” A commemorative book of our society reduced to a comatose state in its human and social component, and we say it without too many words. To keep it alive the commitment of women and men of the third sector, who without any personal gain dedicate themselves to their neighbor and to cover the shortcomings of the institutions, to ensure that the latter are not left to themselves, humiliated and...


The way of the sisters

“Childhood friendships have the consistency of stream water.“ How do personal relationships arise between people? What does it depend on and how does that exact moment come about when a simple acquaintance becomes sincere friendship? Starting from these themes, the writer analyzes the relationships of a friendly nature between women over the years. A narrative engine that works more and more as the pages go by and that the author handles with extreme skill. Hence...