HomeTag milano


The sound of waves

  Written by Elisa Lorenzini. This review is available only in the original language. ________________________________________________________ Scarno, ruvido, primordiale. È l’amore degli adolescenti, quel primo affacciarsi alla conoscenza e al dolore che assume proporzioni enormi per chi lo vive. Ma è anche il paesaggio dell’isola di Uta-jima, remoto satellite del Giappone industriale, che vive di poche e semplici tradizioni, lontano dalle luci di Tokio e dalle illusioni della modernità. In questa “isola del canto”, dove uomini...


Hokkaido Highway Blues

Written by Michela De Nuzzo. This review is available only in the original language. __________________________________________________________ Ho pensato molto a come poter catalogare questo libro, e sebbene la definizione più giusta potrebbe essere quella del diario di viaggio, questa sarebbe riduttiva. Esso infatti è un tuffo in apnea nel vero mondo giapponese, quello nascosto dietro ogni sguardo, negli angoli più reconditi, che ti fa venire voglia di preparare lo zaino e partire per andare tu stesso a...


A man

“The meeting of two solitudes is also the meeting of two imaginations and our fantasy is to fill every silence, every void.” What is A Man? A biography, an ideological novel, a journalistic investigation and a historical-political essay. A set of literary genres, represented with a perfect balance, which constitutes its greatest added value.  The book was written to fulfill a promise of love made by the author to the main protagonist, Alexandros Panagulis, her...


Dai tuoi occhi solamente

Written by Lucia Accoto This review is available only in the original language. ______________________________________________________ La vita può essere bugiarda. Apparire quello che non è, negli sguardi e nei ricordi. Può sembrare sfilacciata, sfocata, persino alterata nelle emozioni. Bugiarda. Eppure, alcuni istanti restano autentici. Solo quei momenti, quelli veri, hanno una storia impressa sui volti della gente. Si tratta di espressioni che attraggono e nello stesso tempo sfuggono e si nascondono dietro alle incertezze. C’è chi...


Once there was love but I had to kill it

“Men dream of being the first and only lovers of the woman they love. Women say the last one sings victory.” A double roller coaster ride without the safety bar pulled down, while when we bought the ticket we thought we were going on a quiet panoramic train among the ruins of love (and certainly in this the title of the book partly misled us). Once you have managed to survive the first carousel ride...


The hug of Mrs. Sun

“Even though I wasn’t happy with my situation and that relationship, I was afraid to get out of it and I was beginning to be a slave to my fear.” The book is the raw chronicle of a physical and psychological violence suffered over time by a girl. Salt on the open wounds of our society that must make us think, because it is not a fictional story, but experienced firsthand by the author. So,...



“As we walked melancholy towards home, a question filled us with feelings of guilt: were war, unemployment, the lack of a home, poverty perhaps a calling for us?” A story of unexpected gentleness. A slow snowfall on Christmas day when you are a child, greeted by the warmth of home and a glass of hot milk. This is the feeling we experienced at the end of reading Mangereta, with the only regret that there were...


The novel of the year

“Since I know you, the desire to tell you things has never gone away. In fact, sometimes I thought that things existed for this reason, so that I could tell them to you.” How do we behave if the love of our life is struggling between life and death? How deep would the regret for not having lived the love story with the intensity deserved? Drops of happiness, perhaps lost forever, to chase unnecessary problems....


Frank Sinatra

“They seem destined for each other: they understand and detest each other. They are both thin and voracious: at table and in bed. They are self-centered, narcissistic, overbearing, impatient and ambitious to the same extent.” Lovely book. Reading flows lightly, supported by a simple narrative style (in a positive sense), and the curiosity to find out all the rumors on U.S. entertainment and politics word from the last century. A posthumous and unofficial biography of...


Niggers, gays, jews & co.

“This is what is striking. The progressive indifference to the weight of the words: “And what did I ever say wrong?” The mounting wave of indifference towards those who are scandalized by racist insult.” Where does the preconception come from? How ancient is the notion of foreigner? Who is the “different”? From where it comes from the need to to dig a moral-racial-social boundary with the other people? The essay by Stella offers a vast...