HomeTag milano


You are music

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato con tracce musicali da ascoltare Tematiche principali: musica, ritmo, meditazione Tecnica delle illustrazioni: acrilico Età consigliata: 0-6 anni   Tutti abbiamo una musica dentro di noi… può essere veloce come una trottola o lenta, leggera come palloncini rossi o pesante come un masso, a volte arrabbiata, precisa come un orologio svizzero o capricciosa e volubile come le campane a festa. La...



Written by Giada Marino This review is available only in the original language. ____________________________________________________   Amare non è solo dire «ti amo», a volte è necessario pronunciare le fatidiche parole «restiamo amici» se ciò porta al risultato che potremo proteggere il nostro amore. Questo è quello che è costretto a fare Gideon perché nel frattempo è entrato in possesso di documenti che potrebbero cambiare completamente la visione della storia. Per la serie “Serie complete” oggi vi parlerò di...


Disturbo della pubblica quiete

Written by Dimitri A. Piccolillo (Bookseller Mondadori Bookstore Barona) This review is available only in the original language. _____________________________________________________________________________ Esordio inaspettato questo di Luca Bizzarri. Da una persona famosa come lui (attore, comico, personaggio televisivo, conduttore e presidente della Fondazione Palazzo Ducale di Genova), normalmente ci si aspetta una autobiografia. “Questo è ciò che mi hanno chiesto infatti!” scherza Luca nella chiacchierata che abbiamo fatto in streaming (disponibile al seguente link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2oR99LH0wc ) Ma Luca...


Save yourself who have a dream

“Sometimes I think that the real curse of my continent is not so much poverty, but the fact that when you are poor you only think of yourself.” Guidrigildo, a word of Lombard origin formed by wer (man, in Latin vir) and geld (price, value), is the sum of money that represented the allowance to be paid to the relatives of the killed person. So here is the whole book enclosed in a single word...


Shine like life

“The happy ending must be conquered, not invented.” Maria Grazia Calandrone entrusts us with a very private and intimate story; with bitter notes from the very first pages. It is the story of a mother-daughter relationship consisting of a very deep love during the golden years of childhood and enormous chaos in the years to come. It is not a simple story told by a daughter, but a troubled relationship with an adoptive mother who...


Cara Pace

“To that cry of love, with what voice to answer?” “Dear peace” is a shared pain; the story of two sisters forced to act as a shield against a childhood cut short by a life of orphans even though they are not. The narrating voice is that of Maddalena, who lives in Paris, far from her sister Nina; little Nina who needs protection and love whose only “place” she always manages to take refuge in...


Names and animals

“An aunt had told him that his mother was sick and when he had asked about what, his aunt had said to him: mentally ill”. Every now and then, it happens to everyone, we find a book in our hands by chance and something suggests we move it to the top of the notorious “To Be Read” stack. So it was for this NN, open between the skeptic and the lazy on this sentence: “In...


The book of houses

“…this is how the House of Memories opens, but too late for “I” to get inside.” Who are we really? No one better than the places in which we live, or have lived, can tell us better. They are there, motionless or semi-mobile, looking at us, welcoming us, watching us grow, live and observe us as we sometimes leave. “The book of houses” is for us a successful literary experiment to tell the story of...


The Chicken Thief

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: silent book Tematiche principali: avventura, ironia, relazioni Tecnica delle illustrazioni: tecnica mista tradizionale/digitale Età consigliata: 6-10 anni   Un orso, un coniglio e un gallo partono per una corsa in gran stile all’inseguimento di una volpe, rea di aver rubato un gallina dalla bucolica fattoria in cui gli animali vivevano serenamente. Sempre ad una pagina di vantaggio, la volpe e la gallina attraversano...


Little book of fantastic entomology

“If you follow the butterflies, you always get to the other side of the world.” A witty, wide-ranging novel about the whys of life, faced with naturalness, analyzed in the warm wind of common sense. The story told is extremely simple, but not uncomplicated for this. Accompanied by the love for hematology, a group of young boys, driven by the desire to conquer the world, leave home for a few days to go in search...