HomeTag milano


The wall in the middle of the book

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albi illustrati Tematiche principali: diversità, paura dell’altro Tecnica delle illustrazioni: tecnica mista tradizionale/digitale Età consigliata: 4-8 anni   Nel mezzo di questo libro c’è un alto e solido muro di mattoni. Il piccolo cavaliere sul lato sinistro ci informa che il suo lato è quello sicuro e che è importante che il muro stia lì, perché dall’altra parte c’è un orco terribile che...


Dear girl / Dear baby

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albi illustrati Tematiche principali: tematiche di genere, accettare sé stessi Tecnica delle illustrazioni: digitale Età consigliata: 4-10 anni   Cara bambina, alza in alto la mano. Hai cose interessanti da dire! Cara bambina, non perdere mai la capacità di meravigliarti. Cara bambina, colorare FUORI dai contorni è divertentissimo. * Caro bambino, credi in te stesso, e gli altri crederanno in te....


Four – The awakening

“You are the only hope the world has…” The first book of the “Four” saga, the Awakening is a tale belonging to the world of urban fantasy dedicated to lovers of the genre, full of action, twists and magic. A plot that has managed to capture the attention of even those who are not familiar with the genre in BooktoMi’s community. The basis of the story is, as usual, the primordial clash between Good and...


I hate Him

“That God was nothing but a fantasy created by men to give refuge to our fears?” A strong, powerful and weighty book. The title itself is already explanatory of much of what you are going to read. The story is that of Faustino, a silent child, who takes a long time to speak compared to his peers, and goes to discover the world through the discovery of key words that he writes down in a...


Virginia Wolf

Written by di Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: emozioni, rapporto tra sorelle Tecnica delle illustrazioni: inchiostro, matita e pastelli, più ritocchi digitali Età consigliata: 6-10 anni   Vanessa si accorge subito che sua sorella Virginia si sta trasformando in un lupo, perché si comporta in modo davvero strano: fa versi selvaggi, ringhia e caccia via tutti. L’unica cosa che Virginia desidera davvero è starsene nascosta sotto...


The year that was Christmas twice in Rome

“Because happiness is not produced by cutting: it almost never works, as with wisteria.” A gang of three makeshift “thieves” has a mission that is far from being equal to them. The author offers us a correct characterization of all our protagonists, so much so that we can imagine them without any difficulty in the scene of a comic film: the novel has a clear cinematic setting which constitutes its true strength. Without revealing too...


The vice of loneliness

“Justice is one thing, law is another.” Ennio Guarnieri è un poliziotto con un alto senso della giustizia che, dopo aver pestato i piedi a una persona a cui sarebbe stato meglio non farlo, sarà costretto a lasciare la divisa. Ennio Guarnieri is a policeman with a high sense of justice who, after stepping on the toes of a person it would have been better not to, will be forced to leave his uniform. The...


Of mice and man

Written by Maria Guidi This review is available only in the original language. _________________________________________________________________________ Scritto da Steinbeck nel 1937, Uomini e topi è uno di quei romanzi che – a prescindere dal trascorrere del tempo – risultano sempre attuali e lasciano un segno profondo nel lettore. È la storia di un’amicizia, quella tra George e Lennie, che si spostano da un ranch all’altro lavorando dove capita, con l’intenzione di mettere da parte abbastanza denaro da “avere un...


That blue of Genoa

“Pizza is poverty experienced as wealth.” After the death of his father, Pietro, a middle-aged Milanese man, finds himself rewinding the history of his family, and goes to San Francisco to settle some pending matters of a home of his ancestors. There he finds a writing by one of his ancestors destined for future memory, in which he recounts the events that led him to flee Milan after taking part in the revolts against the...


The lost bread

“I  wanted to go back into my mother’s womb and never be born again.” The book is a dry and poignant autobiography. The writer tells us about her life, from childhood until today, and entrusts us, without dwelling in pity, the difficult life lived in Hungary between the poverty of her family, the traumatic experience of deportation to the concentration camp, suffering and agony. and finally living as a survivor. We could easily tell ourselves...