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What matters is scratching under my armpits

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “No one has ever come out to say – Christ, I’m sick as hell – Nobody, do you understand?” The book opens with a long preface by Fernanda Pivano who with expert wisdom explains why and how Bukowski became a giant of literature: if this is what you want to learn more about, read her, which is better. Is she not nice to you? We too, although, far from any sympathy or antipathy, her merit as cultural ferryman...


The girl who erased memories

“Could lies bring happiness?” Dichotomous review, one aspect we liked very much, another much less. An interesting contrast on which we stopped to think perhaps more than necessary, so much so that it took us two days to read the book, over a week to write these words. On the one hand the story told, on the other the author’s stylistic code. But let’s go in order. The story told is that of Olga, a...


Each creature is an island

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Non sempre la stranezza è espressione di qualità, come pure di bello. Così, strano non equivale per forza a interessante. Invece, Andrea De Spirt ha scritto Ogni creatura è un’isola, pubblicato per i tipi de il Saggiatore, e a buon diritto possiamo dire che il suo è un romanzo davvero originale, insolito e curioso. Ma anche sorprendente, eccentrico e...



“Nobody knows anything about time, but everyone enjoys giving it a voice.” Book dedicated and directed to the world of adolescents. The writer of this review has left their late teens for a few years, so not being in the target audience of the text, they may not have fully appreciated what a young person’s book of life will be (until they grow up). Read in an afternoon without excessive effort, the text is a...


Houses with a story

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: architettura, fantasia Tecnica delle illustrazioni: digitale Età consigliata: 6-10 anni   Un astronomo eremita vive su un alto sperone di roccia, qui trascorre il tempo osservando le stelle, la sua casa è semplice, un unico locale con cucina, letto, una libreria e una scala che porta ad una torretta di osservazione; nel stalla fa capolino una capretta e nel...


What is in your blood

“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “The true form of blood is a chain, and its weight is unsustainable”. This is not a question: it is already a conclusion. And it’s in the title: it takes some character, to put a full stop and not a question mark. It gives us a bit of the weight of this young rookie, Gaia Giovagnoli, who with a hint of self-confidence writes this book to talk about roots, women, research, the unexpected. How...


Nothing true

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ C’è sempre una linea molto sottile tra ironia, sarcasmo, sardonicitá e tristezza profonda. Come pure, è davvero labile il confine tra le parole amare e quelle taglienti, capaci non solo di mettere allegria ma di far proprio sganasciare dalle risate. Niente di vero è un romanzo che appartiene a questa categoria dello scrivere, a mio parere, dove non son...


The judge of Cuvio

“The lady was waiting for him at the door and pulling him in like a sip of water.” The story of Augusto Vanghetta, before and after rising to the public office of judge, is that of a miserable person who, due to a fortuitous series of events, and very few personal merits, manages to have social success. Annihilated by a continuous carnal desire to have as many women as possible, he even manages to organize...



The books chosen by Federica Dagonese This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Iniziamo dall’inizio, ché è uno degli incipit più ammalianti mai letti da me e certamente, scusate ma è così, tra i più belli di tutta la letteratura mondiale. Mi permetto di riportarlo qui, perché ne vale davvero la pena; sentite come suona– in tutti i sensi- sentite la musica di queste parole e del concetto, tanto delicato, dietro di...


Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead

“There is no doubt that all wisdom comes from anger.” The story is simple and intense. The narrator and protagonist of the story is that of a woman who is no longer very young, in a very small town along the border between Poland and the Czech Republic (but on the Polish side), where everyone knows each other and relations with neighbors are so dry as intense as the winter cold. The protagonist of the...