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The son of two mothers

“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “The heart of man does not get used to miracles.” Love, am I not your mom? No, it’s not you. Were it not for the refined but light vocabulary, for the completely cinematic taste of the descriptions, for the macchiettistica of some characters (mostly men), for the detached gaze of an orchestra conductor, these two lines would be the beginning and end of a powerful drama. inexhaustible. For the good grace of the author...


The giant and the madonnina

“If you want to please the critics, you don’t have to play too loud, too soft, too fast, too slow.” Do you want a book that talks about Milan without being a guide? Do you want a book to take you by the hand to the topographical and folkloristic discovery of the city, suspended between past and present? Well this book is for you. With the background of a Noir story, Crovi’s pen takes us...


The little freedoms

The books chosen by Federica Dagonese This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Oliva è una trentenne in cerca di sé stessa e quindi del proprio futuro e della sua felicità. A prima vista è una normalissima donna, perché se la guardiamo ha un lavoro da precaria, un brillante fidanzato che sta anche per sposare e una normalissima famiglia. Insomma, vista così Oliva è un campione preso a caso delle trentenni dei...


Hit and run

“I didn’t need any God to make the revolution.” We chose to include this book in the calendar of the “Stazione BooktoMi 2022” review well before it reached the right popularity because it was selected among the finalists of the Strega Award; this already makes us understand our opinion on Bertante’s new work. In the form of a novel, the birth of one of the best-known terrorist groups is told: the Brigate Rosse. But don’t...


Zainab takes New York

“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “So, my dear, what is it that prevents you from creating the life you want?” We stroll around New York with Zainab, looking for an answer to this question. The novel itself is a long walk through the end of adolescence, the sprint gives us the discovery of an immense and unknown city (at least, for the protagonist) like New York. Zainab comes to us from Ghana, confident, full of expectations and full of...


Piss off a little bit

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: accettazione di sé, condivisione Tecnica delle illustrazioni: digitale Età consigliata: 3-8 anni   Pisciolino è un bambino che dopo aver fatto la pipì, per qualche motivo, gli resta sempre un goccino che bagna le mutande. Non è un vero problema, con i pantaloni non si vede e poi si asciuga subito, però Pisciolino si sente solo. Così decide di...


In the sign of the moth

“When you know each other since childhood and growing old together, friendship is something indefinable, precious.” A book halfway between thriller and adventure, with a sprinkling of sociology on the surface and a filling of history. Too demanding? No, far from it, very enthusiastic. The protagonist of the second appointment of the “Stazione BooktoMi 2022” review, the reading of the book quickly turned from a duty to a pleasure. With the greatest merit of having...


70 times Vasco

“We were fine, even if we had little. And maybe that’s not bad...” We chose this book to open the second season of the “Stazione BooktoMi” festival because it is the one that more than any other new release in the last period makes the desire to return to the normal life we knew until March 2020 at its best: being together, hugging and sing at a concert until you have no more voice. Focused...


You are a beautiful beginning

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: empatia, amore, amicizia Tecnica delle illustrazioni: acquarello, inchiostro e matite Età consigliata: 3-10 anni   Non conta quante sono le pagine, ma la storia che il libro racconta. Non conta ricordarsi tutte le parole, ma cantare con tutto il cuore. Non conta avere sempre più amici, ma voler bene a quelli che ci sono. Non conta possedere...


The Fall of the King

“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “The nights are long and restless for the lonely, for the defenseless.“   What if the hundred years of solitude hadn’t passed in remote Macondo but a little further north, among the fjords of a dazzling and fabulous Denmark? Wars, lovers, apparitions, landscapes so poignant as to be unreal and yet there they are, in front of our eyes, bright. Hearts devoured by passions that are cold as ice and burn like ice; characters...