HomeTag Feltrinelli


The Bolivian Diary

“Bad day for me: I got over it by willpower because I felt broken.” This review is not intended to be a judgment on the historical-political figure, nor a trial on what Latin American history was during the Cold War, a field of confrontation between the USA and the USSR, superpowers engaged in multiple peripheral conflicts to avoid direct clashes, with unimaginable consequences. This is not the place and, frankly, we don’t think we are...


The circumference of dawn

Written by Nicoletta Baldini This review is available only in the original language. ____________________________________________________   Ho letto “La circonferenza dell’alba” in due giorni, l’ho letteralmente divorato, anzi arrivata alla fine del libro non avrei voluto lasciare Giorgia e gli altri personaggi, avrei voluto ricominciare dall’inizio. Giorgia lavora per una ONG internazionale e vive in Asia. Da molto tempo non torna a casa dalla sua famiglia, ma è costretta a tornare perché la villa di famiglia sul lago deve...


Achille piè veloce

“Even in an immobile life, many things move. I have been privileged. My mother and father gave me a culture.” Ulysses works at a small publishing house very close to bankruptcy. Without understand how, he finds himself imprisoned in a life that does not satisfy him, forced to read ugly manuscripts of budding writers who haunt him in his dreams, a South American girlfriend with whom he has a “stormy” relationship, a mother locked up...


The opposite of one

“Not the body was dusty, but the soul. The body was poured water, the soul the dust.” Only the opening poem is worth the cover price and the satisfaction of having read the book. Each verse a caress. A sincere statement of love dedicated to the mother. Ideally dedicated to all the mothers of the world and to all the sons that sometimes too late realize how deep and unrepeatable is that feeling. One great...


Trans Europa Express

Written by Donatella Lanza. This review is available only in the original language. ________________________________________________ Un viaggio deciso al compimento dei 60 anni, quando il 20 dicembre 2007 la Slovenia entra nell’area Schengen. Durante la notte di festeggiamenti per l’abbattimento della sbarra che “aveva tagliato Trieste fuori dal suo naturale retroterra”, Paolo Rumiz realizza che proprio l’esistenza di quel confine aveva originato la sua irrefrenabile spinta alla ricerca di un “Altrove” oltre la frontiera. Decide così...



“There is no image in the world where you don’t appear. You are always there.” The book is a collection of six stories. Six stories of hearts and memories. Six wandering souls, each with a past too heavy to bear, a present to sink into and a future to draw. Three short stories are written in the male first person, and three in the female, demonstrating the versatility of the writer and her profound humanity....


The sound of waves

  Written by Elisa Lorenzini. This review is available only in the original language. ________________________________________________________ Scarno, ruvido, primordiale. È l’amore degli adolescenti, quel primo affacciarsi alla conoscenza e al dolore che assume proporzioni enormi per chi lo vive. Ma è anche il paesaggio dell’isola di Uta-jima, remoto satellite del Giappone industriale, che vive di poche e semplici tradizioni, lontano dalle luci di Tokio e dalle illusioni della modernità. In questa “isola del canto”, dove uomini...


Hokkaido Highway Blues

Written by Michela De Nuzzo. This review is available only in the original language. __________________________________________________________ Ho pensato molto a come poter catalogare questo libro, e sebbene la definizione più giusta potrebbe essere quella del diario di viaggio, questa sarebbe riduttiva. Esso infatti è un tuffo in apnea nel vero mondo giapponese, quello nascosto dietro ogni sguardo, negli angoli più reconditi, che ti fa venire voglia di preparare lo zaino e partire per andare tu stesso a...


Once there was love but I had to kill it

“Men dream of being the first and only lovers of the woman they love. Women say the last one sings victory.” A double roller coaster ride without the safety bar pulled down, while when we bought the ticket we thought we were going on a quiet panoramic train among the ruins of love (and certainly in this the title of the book partly misled us). Once you have managed to survive the first carousel ride...


La llorona

“I tried to find out how many layers of skin need to be changed before die. How hard it is to become an adult.” The bond that merges every mother to her children is something inexplicable. An invisible thread, resistant to any kind of misfortune or bad luck. The protagonist of the book will face the toughest test to which a mother is called, the death of her newborn daughter. An event as catastrophic as...