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“Hate is a constant gangrenous fear, it is a defense that has become misunderstanding.” Almarina is the story of Elizabeth who carries within herself a hidden tear, a profound pain on the basis of which she calibrates all her days; is the story of a teacher in a special school, detached from the earth and reality: we are in the juvenile prison of Nisidia, an island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. It is...


Borgo Sud

“For each of us there remained the certainty of the other at the bottom of the pain that we never confessed.” The Arminuta is back, ready to offer itself to the reader with her story which, after a troubled childhood, continues to be difficult and full of deviations always dictated by the decisions of others. Donatella Di Pietrantonio’s new book, Borgo sud, continues to tell us the story that the reader had already grown fond...


The number devil

Written by Giada Marino This review is available only in the original language. _______________________________________________________ Quello che ho intenzione di presentarvi oggi è un libro un pochino particolare, che a me è piaciuto tantissimo e che, sebbene è stato scritto per i ragazzi, è da consigliare anche agli adulti. Sto parlando del libro intitolato Il mago dei numeri. Di cosa parla? Be’, in una sola parola… di matematica. Ma non allarmatevi, se anche molti di voi...


The Infatuations

“Hardly anyone can answer the question: Why did he fall in love with her? What did he see?” The narrator of the book is a woman called Maria Dolz. For years she has observed with discretion and confidentiality a couple having breakfast in her own bar and has painted an ideal and comfortable image of it. One day her husband disappears, brutally stabbed by a delusional homeless man, the news is in all the newspapers....



“The only mother I have never lost is the one of my fears.” The story is that of the Arminuta, or “the return”. The protagonist does not have a proper name; she is just the Arminuta, and she is for everyone. Where does this girl have to go back? A young girl, at the age of thirteen, must return to her real family, mother, father and brothers. And this is how our protagonist is not...


An arid heart

Written by Alessia Giannola This review is available only in the original language. __________________________________________________________ Il libro è ambientato negli anni 60 a Marina di Cecina e racconta la vita di Anna, che lavora come sarta con la sorella Bice. L’attenzione che pone Cassola sulla descrizione dei paesaggi accompagna il lettore per tutto il romanzo, trasportandolo nella sua amata Toscana, tra pinete, colline e mare. È proprio in questi luoghi che si svolge la semplice vita di...



Written by Fabio Silietti This review is available only in the original language __________________________________________________________ Vi sono libri che riescono a tenerti attaccato alle loro pagine fin da principio, letture da cui non riesci a staccarti. Sono talmente emozionanti e ricche di significato che devi per forza continuare a leggerle, sfogliando sempre più pagine. Fino a quando non arrivi alla fine del capitolo e in poco tempo, senza rendertene conto, fino alla fine del libro. È quello che mi è...


If this is a man

“Few are the men who know how to go to death with dignity, and often not the ones you would expect.” We have lost count of the times we have read this book in our lifetime, yet it never seems enough to us. The first feeling we felt during and after reading is that of misunderstanding-anger. Thinking with a cold mind, it is difficult for us to conceive how inhumanity has reached such low peaks,...


To have and have not

“I’m not a Communist, – he replied. – But I’m offended. Offended and indignant for a long time.” The book focuses on the events that accompany the difficult life of Harry Morgan, a fisherman-trafficker brought to his knees by the economic crisis, which struck the United States during the thirties of the last century. Harry Morgan is the mirror of a good portion of the American society of that time, which found itself overnight without...


The army of sleepwalkers

Written by Ester Raccampo This review is available only in the original language. ___________________________________________________________   “Te lo si conta noi, com’è che andò. Noi che s’era in piazza Rivoluzione.” Ce lo raccontano davvero loro quando fu issata la Ghigliottina in mezzo alla piazza, quando il Re Luigi XVIII perse la testa, quando i Girondini furono cacciati, Marat assassinato, Robespierre prima amato e poi condannato. Ce la raccontano loro la Rivoluzione Francese, il grande evento spartiacque della Storia Europea, dopo...