HomeTag Carlo Cassola


The visit

“The brother-in-law thought sadly about the life that awaited him: his dying wife, his children, his work.” Collection of short stories that date back to the dawn of Cassola’s literary production, when in his early twenties he began to give shape to the soul of the writer that dwelt within him. Published in some literary magazines between 1937 and 1942, they were revived in complete form in 1942, only to be revived in 1962 with...


The years go by

“Love is protected by illusion; but what if this fails?” The book has the merit of having one of the best incipits ever. Very few lines capable of enclosing the essence of the protagonist, the sense of love relationships between men and women from the dawn of time to the present, the craft of the author’s life. Released from prison after serving a twelve-year prison sentence for murder, Arturo known as Bube is faced with...


The house in Valadier road

“Capable people, honest people can only end up like this. Either in jail, or abroad, or forced to retire to private life.” A little gem to keep among the dear objects of the Italian language. A novel without too many pretensions, if not to tell a simple story, with characters built on the quicksand of human meanness, a sincere mirror of society. Two stories written in different periods that offer a clear point of view...


The cutting of the forest

“Another empty day unfolded before him.” Go to the bookstore, look for this book and read it. In case your reference bookstore does not have it, book it and await its arrival. We write it directly, without the possibility of misunderstanding, because this book causes physical pleasure to reading, both for the story told and for the writing. A caress for lovers of the Italian language, which should be read at school to make the...


An arid heart

Written by Alessia Giannola This review is available only in the original language. __________________________________________________________ Il libro è ambientato negli anni 60 a Marina di Cecina e racconta la vita di Anna, che lavora come sarta con la sorella Bice. L’attenzione che pone Cassola sulla descrizione dei paesaggi accompagna il lettore per tutto il romanzo, trasportandolo nella sua amata Toscana, tra pinete, colline e mare. È proprio in questi luoghi che si svolge la semplice vita di...