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“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “My life is a predictable accident, rapist. It does not ontologically define my existence but occupies it like a handful of soldiers”. On January 25, the last piece of Eva Baltasar’s triptych was released for Nottetempo, a triad that began in 2019 with “Permafrost” and continued with “Boulder” in 2021 (Italian release dates). The frost, the boulder, the immense animal. Go retro, candid souls. So in short, before holding our breath and throwing ourselves...


Wanderings of the printer Zollinger

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “August Zollinger understood that another stage in his life was over.”   According to Vogler, author of “The Hero’s Journey”, in practice there is only one story, declined to infinity. And you, in fact, could take the stages of this archetypal story and superimpose them quite accurately on the pages of Pablo d’Ors, gaining some satisfaction. Or disappointment. You see. In short, what you would get from it would be a confirmation rather than...


The wonders

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Anche qui: perché? Perché ho cominciato a leggerlo, perché Le meraviglie – queste, in particolare, e non altre, fatte di altre parole, di altre storie, di altre suggestioni, di altro… Questo Le meraviglie, edizioni Einaudi, di Elena Medel, poetessa e scrittrice spagnola che non conoscevo, è un romanzo corale, un romanzo di formazione, un romanzo difficile. La traduzione in italiano è...