HomeTag 2022


Le non cose

Written by Marialia Calabretta This review is available only in the original language _______________________________ Questo libro parla di quanto saldarsi a terra, nel mondo reale, salvi. L’autore espone in modo limpido e razionale le cause e i rischi della progressiva perdita di contatto tra l’uomo e la realtà. Fantasticare, immaginare e proiettare sono attività meravigliose, ma vanno allenate e indirizzate. Le non-cose, così belle e desiderabili, abbagliano, catturano e distraggono: ci fanno dimenticare delle cose. La negatività della resistenza è...


Zainab takes New York

“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “So, my dear, what is it that prevents you from creating the life you want?” We stroll around New York with Zainab, looking for an answer to this question. The novel itself is a long walk through the end of adolescence, the sprint gives us the discovery of an immense and unknown city (at least, for the protagonist) like New York. Zainab comes to us from Ghana, confident, full of expectations and full of...


The girl who erased memories

“Could lies bring happiness?” Dichotomous review, one aspect we liked very much, another much less. An interesting contrast on which we stopped to think perhaps more than necessary, so much so that it took us two days to read the book, over a week to write these words. On the one hand the story told, on the other the author’s stylistic code. But let’s go in order. The story told is that of Olga, a...


Each creature is an island

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Non sempre la stranezza è espressione di qualità, come pure di bello. Così, strano non equivale per forza a interessante. Invece, Andrea De Spirt ha scritto Ogni creatura è un’isola, pubblicato per i tipi de il Saggiatore, e a buon diritto possiamo dire che il suo è un romanzo davvero originale, insolito e curioso. Ma anche sorprendente, eccentrico e...


What is in your blood

“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “The true form of blood is a chain, and its weight is unsustainable”. This is not a question: it is already a conclusion. And it’s in the title: it takes some character, to put a full stop and not a question mark. It gives us a bit of the weight of this young rookie, Gaia Giovagnoli, who with a hint of self-confidence writes this book to talk about roots, women, research, the unexpected. How...


Nothing true

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ C’è sempre una linea molto sottile tra ironia, sarcasmo, sardonicitá e tristezza profonda. Come pure, è davvero labile il confine tra le parole amare e quelle taglienti, capaci non solo di mettere allegria ma di far proprio sganasciare dalle risate. Niente di vero è un romanzo che appartiene a questa categoria dello scrivere, a mio parere, dove non son...


First love and other sorrows

“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” I listened as in a dream to the roar of the waves and I knew that I would pass the test of my youth and be forgiven. Some books, quick to read, full of life yet airy, fresh, might be worth describing in pictures rather than words. An image that may suggest, perhaps, the state of mind of those who, having closed the book, after the last page, also close their eyes, to let...