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“Stories of people who have done something memorable not in spite of, but through a difficulty, an illness, an accident… ” Agile, pleasant and nice book. Both in format and in content it is easily readable in an afternoon without excessive rush. Enjoyable. We really like Bellati’s idea of ​​collecting in a text the stories of some great names in history capable of leaving their mark despite, indeed perhaps thanks to presumed physical or mental disabilities....


The crack and the light

“We live never knowing when something will last…” Reading is good. Having the chance to meet and chat with some authors does a lot of good. We were lucky to have had the opportunity to read and converse with Gemma Calabresi Milite. Getting in touch with the hand and heart that wrote the light words on which the story of memories rests was an unexpected gift. The book has as its main theme that of...



“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “God had taken back that precarious peace and filled the void of silence. It was still Judgment Day.”   It happens to hear combinations of words that, due to strange circumstances, are well suited to an object totally different from the original one. So it was for these: “scenario and substance”. There was talk of a city but they settled on the pages of Bae Myung-Hoon with very elegant grace and timing. So what...


The wonders

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Anche qui: perché? Perché ho cominciato a leggerlo, perché Le meraviglie – queste, in particolare, e non altre, fatte di altre parole, di altre storie, di altre suggestioni, di altro… Questo Le meraviglie, edizioni Einaudi, di Elena Medel, poetessa e scrittrice spagnola che non conoscevo, è un romanzo corale, un romanzo di formazione, un romanzo difficile. La traduzione in italiano è...


La fortuna

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ La si ama o la si odia. Non c’è un grigio nei sentimenti che si possono nutrire per Valeria Parrella. Proprio non c’è: è una questione di bianchi o di neri. Lo credo con forza, e per questo son partito con l’amare: io faccio parte di quelli che son stati mosche dentro la pancia di quella sua balena; così...


The houses with red roofs

“He ended up in a mental hospital because he didn’t know where to go.” Taking his cue from the sale of the grandmother’s house in Ancona, the author retraces the footsteps of memory on the nearby asylum with red roofs (hence the title). To support him in the story, the search for medical records and the return to the houses with red roofs after many years, when the structures are now used for another use....


Grandma’s braid

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Comincerei così, elencandone il fenotipo. Senza scriverne titolo e autore, cosicché si scelga magari di leggerlo per quelle emozioni contrastanti che il romanzo di oggi ha certamente destato in me, e che forse in qualcuno sarò riuscito a evocare in fondo a questa breve pagina. È spietato. È ironico. È triste. È sardonico, virgineo e sprovveduto, ma pure navigato,...


The giant and the madonnina

“If you want to please the critics, you don’t have to play too loud, too soft, too fast, too slow.” Do you want a book that talks about Milan without being a guide? Do you want a book to take you by the hand to the topographical and folkloristic discovery of the city, suspended between past and present? Well this book is for you. With the background of a Noir story, Crovi’s pen takes us...


Hit and run

“I didn’t need any God to make the revolution.” We chose to include this book in the calendar of the “Stazione BooktoMi 2022” review well before it reached the right popularity because it was selected among the finalists of the Strega Award; this already makes us understand our opinion on Bertante’s new work. In the form of a novel, the birth of one of the best-known terrorist groups is told: the Brigate Rosse. But don’t...


Novel about a shipwreck

“The steel whale they walked in was deforming.” Let’s start talking about the genre immediately, even if the definition on the cover might seem strange, because more than a novel it is a story of a real event, with a precise and detailed search for testimonies, technically it is a non-fiction novel (translatable precisely with novel, in its broadest sense). As we have said, the book is the result of a long research by the...