HomeTag 2022


Little body

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “All his cravings combine endlessly.”   It’s hard to think of a heart that isn’t also a battle. Some are long and devastating, others small and petty, but the heart always seems to have the space needed to accommodate even the most incomprehensible of pains. “Small body” is the crack in the door through which we can spy a heart in struggle: against absence, against loss, against fatality. It is a long story (100 pages) about how...


One last thing

“For many years I thought we met in a sick time that wasn’t our time.” We are not sure if Concita De Gregorio is aware of how much her pen, with this kind of books, is able to leave a profound trace in Italian society, like a furrow that everyone should follow on a path towards greater awareness of their own limits and of its potential. We liked the book because it made us reflect,...


The tenant

“Power cannot be managed by a village clan, which arrived there without knowing it.” From 2011 to 2022 we have witnessed constitutional forcing, reinterpretations of roles and prerogatives that were once unthinkable. Palace games and partially revealed backroom deals, which Lucia Annunziata tries to reconstruct through the direct testimony of the protagonists of that season, revelations, confidences and ex-post analyses. An approach that we greatly appreciated because, despite going into the detail of the reconstruction,...


The Sybil

“Joyce has never let herself be stopped, least of all by politics.” Daughter of Guglielmo Salvadori, professor of sociology, and of Giacinta Galletti de Cadilhac, correspondent journalist of the Manchester Guardian, Beatrice Gioconda Salvadori known as Joyce in deference to her English origins, is above all a daughter of the twentieth century, a century that lives intensely in its catastrophes and little interludes of joy. She will make of her the libertarian and progressive demands...


Diary of a Martian summer

“The truth of the facts is useless and in any case it does not define that of people?” Flaiano, Rome, summer. Three evocative words that perfectly describe the book. Memories, walks, reflections that are able to make Ennio Flaiano known as an old friend, what he represented, indeed he represents, for the Italian cultural panorama. Ennio was none other than an Abruzzese transplanted to Rome at a young age, and which makes him the eternal...


The resistance of women

“Mine has always been a family of fighters.” A book necessary for the collective memory. An isthmus of land, submerged by the ocean of ingratitude, returned visible after too many years, which connects the memory of those who sacrificed their youth, and even their lives, to those who enjoy the fruits of that sacrifice. The role of women during the civil war of 1943-1945 in Italy was soon forgotten, sometimes not even acknowledged, although honoring...


The place of war and the cost of freedom

“Russia is threatening open societies on the European border.” Essay of high quality on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Reflections on the short to medium term on what the West can continue to do to achieve a credible and, where possible, lasting peace. The text requires a good knowledge of contemporary history, politics, geopolitics and economics in order to be appreciated, and in case you have different interpretations, to counter some issues. History is one of those...


Only once

“To change things it is necessary to look at reality from above, try to move away.” The importance and courage of making a decision without fear of having to regret it, being ready to embrace the future, and whatever may happen. Calabresi puts his experience as a journalist to good use, telling us stories of people next door who, with just one single choice, were able to change their lives, of the people they had...


The houses of serial killers

“But if something seems too good to be true, it’s usually false“ Before sharing our thoughts on the book, we think it is right to open three parentheses of reflections, which concern in order: the idea developed, the writing and the realization. The basic idea of the text, although already addressed by other authors, certainly has its own interesting aspect. Telling the homes and stories of serial killers has a sinister appeal that is hard...


Don Chisciotte in Sicily

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Forse basterebbe una sola frase per racchiuderne la poesia struggente e al tempo sardonica; eccola: “La case su ‘na cosa, mi arrispose, ‘a vita n’antra”. Ma solo forse, perché la duplicità di queste parole scritte in siciliano – che, penso io, ascoltate nella lingua della meravigliosa isola, con la bocca, le labbra, il naso e gli occhi azzurri di quella...