HomeTag 2021


The other world

“Are we over a barrel?” Interesting text, characterized by a precise journalistic slant, but without exceeding pure news. A clarity and narrative fluidity that make reading pleasant and smooth, in some ways, with few equals. The commitment made in field research, literally from one part of the globe to the other, represents the solid foundation on which the story narrated. Starting from the most remote Russia, the United States, the Maldives and a long list...


Act of Desperation

“Friday di-verso.” “There were things we expected to have and didn’t have.” How many loves does it take to give Love a name? How many times does one have to die to really feel the air in the lungs? How much pain can you endure before – how much? To some of you, this book may seem like a small thing. Not because it is ugly (indeed) or poorly written (really not), but because of...


Little Red Reading Hood

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: libri, lettura, classici, fantasia Tecnica delle illustrazioni: digitale Età consigliata: 3 -8 anni   Cappuccetto Rosso ha dimenticato di riportare un libro in biblioteca. La mamma le dice di andare subito a restituirlo, senza deviare dal sentiero. Così Cappuccetto si incammina con il libro sotto braccio, ma da dietro un albero ecco che sbuca il Lupo!  Lui...


Dante’s wife

Written by Ludovica Micalizzi This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Dante Alighieri è stato il protagonista indiscusso del panorama intellettuale di quest’anno. In onore dei settecento anni dalla sua morte si è cercato di parlare di diversi aspetti della sua figura ma anche dei personaggi che hanno costellato la sua vita. Tra questi quello della moglie, Gemma Donati, è paradossalmente il meno attenzionato. La scarsità di notizie costituisce di certo un ostacolo per chi voglia...


Blood of Judas

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Son solo pochi giorni che è morto il signor Carlo Vichi, quello dei televisori MIVAR, fatti di bulloni, transistor e fatica soltanto italiani. Aveva 98 anni. Ora, chi non ha mai avuto un MIVAR in casa, o almeno la sua famiglia? Io ne ho avuto uno grigio perla, un bel rettangolo davanti e la coda dietro che pareva un...


My Free German Youth

 “FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “There was no need to rage. There was no need. Life was on our side.” The eyes of memory choose what to remember; and this makes the difference. The original title of this “episodic novel” is literally “My German Free Youth”. Now: it sounds a bit like “my cool summer in the Sahara”. Because Claudia Rush grew up in the GDR, the Deutsche Demokratische Republik, which she was not really democratic, considering that that...


Useless thoughts do not like high altitude

Writte by Donatella Lanza This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________   Camminare esercita un potere emolliente sui pensieri, soprattutto quelli ingarbugliati e dolorosi. Questa convinzione è una delle cose che più mi accomuna ad Arianna, la protagonista del racconto. Di origine romana, Arianna si è trasferita a Milano per lasciarsi alle spalle un presente incerto, in equilibrio precario tra slancio artistico e ricerca della stabilità economica, tormentato da relazioni sentimentali infelici....



 “FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “The building is sumptuous but the kingdom is in ruins.” First you have to sleep on it. You have to fall asleep with questions, images in your head, trust that they will clear up behind closed eyelids, you have to let the visions settle, ask yourself what was real, what not, ask yourself if it matters. The plot is soon told. There is a man who is a hunter, a father and a surgeon,...


And the Birds Rained Down by

THE FIRST REVIEW OF THE MONTH WILL BE DEDICATED TO THE NEW VOICE: “MONDAY DI-VERSO” “Happiness simply needs to be indulged.” How is it that these old men in books always cut off our legs? What is this tenderness that hits low when it seemed to us that we were immovable and disenchanted? “And the Birds Rained Down by” is a 2011 novel (anticipating by a few years “Our souls at night” by K. Haruf,...


While everything changes

“Holiness cannot be diluted, as indeed can’t the sins.” The story told is that of a group of teenagers (Vela, Best, Paolino and Ivan) in the last summer before crossing the “Shadow line”. The desire to grow and forge ahead will lead them to discover the profound meaning of friendship, the value of sex and love, up to that of death. Before the beginning of summer, our boys find a lifeless drug addict in a...