HomeTag 2020


Sidewalk flowers

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: silent book Tematiche principali: empatia, piccoli gesti, natura Tecnica delle illustrazioni: china e acquerello Età consigliata: 2-10 anni   Una bambina e il suo papà percorrono le strade di città verso casa. Lungo il tragitto, mentre il papà è distratto da una telefonata, la bambina nota dei fiori spuntare dal cemento. Comincia così a raccoglierli dal marciapiede, dal sottopasso e alla fermata dell’autobus,...


Dear girl / Dear baby

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albi illustrati Tematiche principali: tematiche di genere, accettare sé stessi Tecnica delle illustrazioni: digitale Età consigliata: 4-10 anni   Cara bambina, alza in alto la mano. Hai cose interessanti da dire! Cara bambina, non perdere mai la capacità di meravigliarti. Cara bambina, colorare FUORI dai contorni è divertentissimo. * Caro bambino, credi in te stesso, e gli altri crederanno in te....


A book

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: libro gioco Tematiche principali: interattività, colori Tecnica delle illustrazioni: pittura Età consigliata: 3-6 anni   Pallini. Questo libro è pieno di pallini gialli, rossi e blu che fanno cose. Si moltiplicano, si spostano tra le pagine, si mettono in fila, crescono e rimpiccioliscono. Ma non fanno certo tutto da soli, siamo noi lettori che seguendo le precise istruzioni del testo facciamo accadere tutto. Tocchiamo...


I hate Him

“That God was nothing but a fantasy created by men to give refuge to our fears?” A strong, powerful and weighty book. The title itself is already explanatory of much of what you are going to read. The story is that of Faustino, a silent child, who takes a long time to speak compared to his peers, and goes to discover the world through the discovery of key words that he writes down in a...


Mothers’ Home

“The people living have adapted: they have obtained beauty from the ruins.” Get comfortable, concentrate and start reading Mothers’ Home. It is not an easy book: it is a story of pain and suffering. So, dear readers, you may ask us why read it? Why do we knowingly do this harm? But above all, what drives us to continue reading it? The answer to these questions will try to be our attempt to suggest reading...



“Everyone is always someone else’s district, also Latina was a district.” Adoration is a novel in which the lives of adolescents intertwine, divided between the tragic death of their young friend Elena, constantly evoked, and a summer like many others, divided between the blossoming of bitter loves and new self-discoveries. The writing tends to have a story with an interesting core, more current and realistic than ever, but with a development, in our opinion, confused...


That blue of Genoa

“Pizza is poverty experienced as wealth.” After the death of his father, Pietro, a middle-aged Milanese man, finds himself rewinding the history of his family, and goes to San Francisco to settle some pending matters of a home of his ancestors. There he finds a writing by one of his ancestors destined for future memory, in which he recounts the events that led him to flee Milan after taking part in the revolts against the...


Two lives

“We were not born to become wise, but to resist, escape, steal some pleasure from a world that was not made for us.” Two Lives is a book that does not lie: it is exactly the story of two lives of the author’s two friends, Pia Pera and Rocco Carbone. It is a novel that moves us although it is immersed in a disarming narrative simplicity, precisely because it is configured, from the very first...


Disturbo della pubblica quiete

Written by Dimitri A. Piccolillo (Bookseller Mondadori Bookstore Barona) This review is available only in the original language. _____________________________________________________________________________ Esordio inaspettato questo di Luca Bizzarri. Da una persona famosa come lui (attore, comico, personaggio televisivo, conduttore e presidente della Fondazione Palazzo Ducale di Genova), normalmente ci si aspetta una autobiografia. “Questo è ciò che mi hanno chiesto infatti!” scherza Luca nella chiacchierata che abbiamo fatto in streaming (disponibile al seguente link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2oR99LH0wc ) Ma Luca...


Cara Pace

“To that cry of love, with what voice to answer?” “Dear peace” is a shared pain; the story of two sisters forced to act as a shield against a childhood cut short by a life of orphans even though they are not. The narrating voice is that of Maddalena, who lives in Paris, far from her sister Nina; little Nina who needs protection and love whose only “place” she always manages to take refuge in...