HomeTag 2019


In wartime

“I leave you free of the weight of what you think of me: your defeat, my failure.” Marco is a boy full of courage with a story to tell, for the most part enclosed in boxes full of diaries and letters. On the threshold of thirty years, instead of letting those memories take dust, he feels the need to draw a line on the past and to confront those who are willing to listen to...


Take care to shine

  Written by R.K. This review is available only in the original language. _________________________________________________________   Ogni persona al mondo ha un posto dove sentirsi veramente libera. Un luogo protetto dove respirare vita, guardarsi con occhi nuovi e spogliarsi dal peso delle aspettative che gli altri hanno su noi stessi. Quando si è ragazzi e la voglia di sognare ancora brucia dentro, l’incontro con questi “posti del cuore” assume una valenza speciale. Luce, la protagonista del...


The museum of broken promises

  Written by Alberto Zacco. This review is available only in the original language. _________________________________________________ Può una promessa infranta stravolgere una vita? Si, perché dopotutto è un bivio, che ci può portare a intraprendere strade diverse, e proprio con quelle parole non mantenute, si possono stravolgere esistenze intere, senza neppure rendersene conto. La nostra protagonista, Laure, decide di crearne un museo a Parigi dove non sono custoditi né quadri né statue. In questo museo si...


The novel of the year

“Since I know you, the desire to tell you things has never gone away. In fact, sometimes I thought that things existed for this reason, so that I could tell them to you.” How do we behave if the love of our life is struggling between life and death? How deep would the regret for not having lived the love story with the intensity deserved? Drops of happiness, perhaps lost forever, to chase unnecessary problems....