HomeTag 2013


The Assistant

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “It was Morris Bober and he couldn’t have been a better sort.”   It’s just that you read a lot of books. The further we go, the more the pages accumulate and the shadow of the stacked tomes casts itself over the days to come, gracefully indicating the readings we would like to face next. Slowly, imperceptibly, the analogies add up, the echoes reverberate, the amazement becomes numb. Of course, we always love reading but we adjust...


Fish have no feet

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “Time treats us strangely – most often unexpected”. Have you ever read a book that is a blizzard? Let’s try talk about this blizzard done of pages and ink. “Story of a family”, the subtitle. And as the wise man said, every happy family and so on. This family has its roots in the water, if the fish have no legs it is because the immensity of the sea does not allow for the surface,...


What matters is scratching under my armpits

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “No one has ever come out to say – Christ, I’m sick as hell – Nobody, do you understand?” The book opens with a long preface by Fernanda Pivano who with expert wisdom explains why and how Bukowski became a giant of literature: if this is what you want to learn more about, read her, which is better. Is she not nice to you? We too, although, far from any sympathy or antipathy, her merit as cultural ferryman...



Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: natura, libertà, essere sé stessi Tecnica delle illustrazioni: matita e digitale Età consigliata: 4 – 8 anni   Gli animali del bosco trovano una neonata, nessuno sa come è arrivata lì, ma poco importa e decidono di tenerla con loro e crescerla. I corvi le insegnano a parlare, gli orsi a catturare i pesci del fiume e...


Orso Buco !

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: silent book Tematiche principali: migrazione, surrealismo Tecnica delle illustrazioni: mista, matita e colorazione digitale Età consigliata: 8 anni in su   Orso si è perso e non trova più la sua tana. Seguendo la strada si mette in cammino, ma all’improvviso BADABUM! cade nel buco della tana di Volpe. Orso e Volpe ripartono allora insieme alla ricerca della tana, attraversano boschi, fiumi e...


After the Quake

Written by Micol Rizzo This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Chiunque mi segua da un po’, conosce la mia passione per questo autore che, in un modo o nell’altro, riesce sempre a portarci attraverso meravigliosi viaggi emotivi ed introspettivi, mettendoci nella condizione di porci domande e dubbi, con una delicatezza che pochi autori possono vantare. “Tutti i figli di Dio danzano” narra sei storie diverse, con un unico tema centrale a fare...


Italian postcolonial

“The ability and the inability to tell the other, the wonderful and arrogant need to define him.” University monograph, structured for a niche reader, but which can also be read with interest and concentration by a wider audience, because the topic is treated in such a way as to be accessible to all history lovers. Divided into chapters that address and analyze the question of historical and cultural postcolonialism from different points of view, the...


Names and animals

“An aunt had told him that his mother was sick and when he had asked about what, his aunt had said to him: mentally ill”. Every now and then, it happens to everyone, we find a book in our hands by chance and something suggests we move it to the top of the notorious “To Be Read” stack. So it was for this NN, open between the skeptic and the lazy on this sentence: “In...


The Day the Crayons Quit

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: ironia, emozioni, colori Tecnica delle illustrazioni: tecnica mista tradizionale/digitale Età consigliata: 6-10 anni   In teoria il protagonista di questa storia è Dante, un bambino il cui solo desiderio è fare un bel disegno con i suoi pastelli. Ma in questo libro Dante non si vede mai, perché a parlare e tenere banco sono proprio i suoi pastelli a...


Oh no, George !

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: animali, relazioni, gestione degli impulsi Tecnica delle illustrazioni: matita e digitale Età consigliata: 3-6 anni   George è un cagnone buono, ma in preda ai suoi istinti spesso si dimentica le regole della vita civile in mezzo agli umani. Questo lo porta a combinare pasticci ai danni del povero Henry, il suo padrone. George sa che deve comportarsi bene,...