HomeTag 1955


Words are stones

“Mafia does not exist.” Pages to be framed. Take them one by one and wallpaper the walls of Italian schools, so as to remain fixed in one way or another in the minds of the students, even the most distracted. If you have already read Carlo Levi, here we are faced with something completely different, such as the structure and history of the story, the prose and the story and the power of the words...



The books chosen by Federica Dagonese This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Iniziamo dall’inizio, ché è uno degli incipit più ammalianti mai letti da me e certamente, scusate ma è così, tra i più belli di tutta la letteratura mondiale. Mi permetto di riportarlo qui, perché ne vale davvero la pena; sentite come suona– in tutti i sensi- sentite la musica di queste parole e del concetto, tanto delicato, dietro di...


To have and have not

“I’m not a Communist, – he replied. – But I’m offended. Offended and indignant for a long time.” The book focuses on the events that accompany the difficult life of Harry Morgan, a fisherman-trafficker brought to his knees by the economic crisis, which struck the United States during the thirties of the last century. Harry Morgan is the mirror of a good portion of the American society of that time, which found itself overnight without...


The Diary of Anne Frank

“You cannot imagine how sad it is to watch helplessly at the performance of his solitude.” A classic is a classic, so any comment we make may be superfluous or even reductive. For this reason we decided not to dwell on the story that led to the birth of the book, or on the plot, or on the stylistic code adopted, rather we preferred to tell what it meant for us to re-read it after...