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Black is the tree of memories, blue the air

“But mom is still young, still alive despite everything.” This is not a easy book, so don’t approach it thinking you can read it in your spare time. A text that first of all requires a solid basic knowledge of recent Italian history. Without it, one may not be able to put together the constant references to characters and places necessary for the structure of the story, and then again because Loy’s writing always requires...


The simple soul. Sister Joanna of the Cross

“She tried not to live in the world, but she was in the world.” Let’s go back in time, in Naples two centuries ago, and we find ourselves living the story of Sister Giovanna della Croce, in one of the most inauspicious periods of her life. Cloistered nun of the order of the thirty-three (or with the equally explanatory name of the “buried alive”), together with her sisters she is forced to leave the monastery...


A mammoth in the refrigerator

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: famiglia, ironia, fantasia Tecnica delle illustrazioni: matita e digitale Età consigliata: 3-7 anni   Mamma, papà, Flavia e Noè, sono tutti a tavola per la cena. “Papà!Papà! C’è un mammut nel frigorifero!”, urla Noè. Prontamente il papà accorre e blocca il frigorifero, mentre la mamma chiama i pompieri. Neeee-nooo! Neeee-nooo! Eccoli finalmente. Oh no, il mammut è...



“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “My life is a predictable accident, rapist. It does not ontologically define my existence but occupies it like a handful of soldiers”. On January 25, the last piece of Eva Baltasar’s triptych was released for Nottetempo, a triad that began in 2019 with “Permafrost” and continued with “Boulder” in 2021 (Italian release dates). The frost, the boulder, the immense animal. Go retro, candid souls. So in short, before holding our breath and throwing ourselves...



The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Non è perfetto, ma la perfezione sa essere anche tanto noiosa. Ed è duro, marmoreo, capace che ti appoggia carichi da tonnellate sul cervello e sul cuore, così, come fossero piume, e invece non lo sono affatto. E poi è cupo, ma pure arioso, fin spensierato. C’è del torbido e c’è del limpido. Ecco, queste le sensazioni immediate dopo...



“The issue is that he doesn’t resign himself to slowness.” Novel to read up to twenty years old, after it could disappoint. We say this knowingly because we read the book as teenagers, and are picking it up again today. Of all that we had enjoyed as youths, only a faded stain remained on the pages. The classic feeling you get when you re-read De Carlo’s books, capable of telling utopian dreams, the will to...


To Paradise

“[…] and he finally knew the kind of transformation that love had given to all the people he knew, to always escape  only him.” A novel full: of what? of life, of contradiction, of feeling, of emotional inconsistencies, of elective affinity, of imagination and reality. If that weren’t enough yet, we also add full of reflections on interpersonal relationships, mistakes, remorse, on man’s inadequacy and wealth. Three divided yet linked stories, with an alternative vision...


The disarmed god

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Ci sono momenti che non si dimenticano, mai. O almeno per me è così. Meglio: le immagini, i suoni, i rumori; le luci; i neri e i bianchi; il verde del prato; il grigio della pioggia battente; i colori tutti; il cicaleggio delle parole attorno; le persone uscite dalla TV, con le strisce rosse sul fianco delle ambulanze, quando...


Voci che sono la mia

Written by Marialia Calabretta This review is available only in the original language _______________________________ Amo ascoltare le storie degli altri, da sempre. Quando ero bambina, non desideravo la favola della buonanotte e non guardavo molti cartoni animati. Uno dei miei passatempi preferiti era stare con gli adulti. In compagnia di parenti e amici dei miei genitori, mia sorella cercava invano di richiamare la mia attenzione che si focalizzava puntualmente sui discorsi dei grandi. Mi incantavo ascoltando le questioni dell’uno...


Krakow, the dream after

“Darek remains silent, suspended on the remains of the Tibetan bridge of our foursome friendship.” Friendship torn and never mended, love killed and then brought back to life, the awareness of no longer being the same people you thought you were until a few moments before. A passage common to many people, and that everyone faces in their own way, because there is no right way to do it. This is the central theme of...